Dear Fellow Believers,
The Christian religion is the most evil entity on the face of the earth. Nothing is worse. NOTHING. This Satanic organization has turned more people FROM God than it has tricked and brainwashed into joining its ranks. Atheism is at least neutral, but Christianity preaches a god who will torment in eternal flames those who refuse to love him—in spite of commanding mere humans to love
those who persecute them; to love those who hate them; to return good for evil. Thus, the small "g" god of Christianity is morally inferior to the idiotic acolytes who sign onto his hypocritical systems.
I wrote "How to Quit Church Without Quitting God" to convince those who, themselves, had been convinced that God and Christ were inexorably tied to the system. They are not. One of the most shocking things I told George and our broad audience was that Jesus Christ did not belong to the very organization that hijacked His Name and claimed to own the franchise on
You will be heartened by the phone calls that came in, live, that night. Noory was shocked. I was delighted. As I watched this video, I wondered what had become of these people who had their brief encounter with me twenty years ago. Have they remained established in the truth? Did they quit organized religion only to founder in the secular morass of popular sin? Did they google me after
the show and find my website? Did they buy my book? Are any of them MZTV subscribers?
If there happens to be anyone watching this video who first heard me on KTRS in St. Louis in April of 2002, I would love to hear from you.
To the rest I say, enjoy and revel in the power of these words, images, and text frames that, I pray, will convince even more people to leave the whitewashed yet dungeonous halls of the Christian religion for the freedom-fields of the true Christ.
Yours from the edge of the bottom of the Floridan Peninsula,