The best evidence AGAINST the Acts 28 theory is the evidence offered FOR it.
Paul's ministry to the nations started in Acts 13, not Acts 28. This is a difference of decades. If Paul's ministry to the nations started in Acts 28:28, then none of Paul's letters prior to AD 66 would be for the body of Christ. This would include Romans, both letters to the Corinthians, both letters to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and 1 Timothy. Possibly others.
The Acts 28:28 theory was invented in order to eliminate the "problem" of Paul's early ministry carrying over some Israelite signs. The proponents of the theory think this proves that Paul was teaching the Israelite message to Israelites. Nope. It only proves that, in Paul's early ministry, God carried over some Israelite signs.
In tomorrow's show, I will read Acts 28:28 so you can see what NOT a big deal it is.