Dear Fellow Believers,
One of the big, unappreciated differences between the gospel of the Circumcision (the gospel for Israel) and that of the Uncircumcision (the gospel given to the nations via Paul) is that the Israel gospel has its adherents still struggling with the personal pronoun "I." The Israel gospel pits the self against Christ, as this gospel sees a distinct difference between the two. The gospel
of the transcendent grace of God, however, IDENTIFIES the believer with Christ, and thus considers the believer (the "I") to have died together with Him. Thus, the Paul believer can use the personal pronoun "I" with a beautiful new freedom that sees no discrepancy between the self and Christ.
Thank you, my fellow grace believers, for tuning into another video done up by our friend in Texas, Rodney Paris, who has taken an audio cassette message that I made twenty-seven years ago and brought it back to life. I am indebted to this man, and I know that you are as well.
Grace and peace and freedom from the Floridan peninsula,