Dear Friends,
Well, as many of you know, yesterday's video, "10 Reasons Why the Snatching Away is At the Door" was pulled by YouTube due to "policy infringement"—or whatever they call it. My crime? "Medical Misinformation." Another way of referring to this is, "The Truth." As we all know, YouTube is complicit in the Covid scam; they are hiding the cure and stoking the fear so as to drive the innocent into taking a dangerous vaccine.
I went on the air in ZWTF 894 with Mark "The Pirate" Haukaas to explain how this medical scam fits into the scheme of the last days of Millennium 6. I naively thought that, by muting those part of the video where sensitive topics were mentioned (the titles of books, for instance, that expose the scam; the chief, I suppose, being the book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr) that we would evade YouTube's commie censors. I should have known that the little adjustment of the volume bar on my video editor could
never compete with the bloodhound algorithms in San Bruno, California.
YouTube had warned me before. I thought the muting would save me. It didn't. So YT gave me a strike. I can't say I wasn't warned, so I'm not really blaming YouTube for enacting their policy. (I blame them for what they are, but not for what they did.) In fact, they were very nice about explaining it. Of course, I don't believe for a second that a single human being touched any aspect of this communication. My entire interaction is with A.I. (Artificial Intelligence; the key word here being
"artificial.") What does a strike mean? It means that I can't post anything on YouTube for a week. This is the part that kills me.
I need to broadcast to you just as you need me to broadcast. But we just got knocked down for a week. This hurts me, on another level, because I don't believe that I have missed a single broadcast day in the last three years. (This is how I have ended up with over 2,000 videos on YouTube.) I hate to see the streak end. But this is of God, of course. So we will have to ride the wave.
If I get a second strike within 90 days, then I will be locked out for two weeks. If I get a third strike, then they pull my entire channel. Not to worry. There is no way that I am going to risk having my entire spiritual content of 14 years pulled down by stubbornly insisting on broadcasting forbidden medical topics. I ain't stupid. YouTube has made its policy clear and I will play by their rules, having now realized that they are sneakier than I thought—way sneakier than I am. I must respect
their rules.
I will not get a second strike. After 90 days, my strike is cleared. So that's good. What to do in the meantime? I will use this unwanted time off to concentrate on the books and to set up a new studio outlay here at the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula that will give you a new look and sound when I return in a week. In the meantime, I will post the forbidden video on Rumble later today. I will notify you of this in another email tomorrow morning. For those not on the email list,
they are going to think that I've been kicked off permanently. They will fear the worst. I regret that. I don't want anyone to despair. But I have no way of contacting my YouTube subscribers for one week. No way. Folks, YT has locked me out completely. They will let me out of jail a week from now. This is better than being in a literal jail—I'm pretty sure.
Thank you for enduring this together with me. Fret not, my friends. I will be back. And I'll be back bigger and better than ever. It's only a week. God created everything in a week. It will be a vast struggle for me not to broadcast for a week. But it is doable.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. The next time either I or The Pirate need to relay sensitive but important information, we will simply skip YT and put it on Rumble. Then, on a subsequent YouTube video, we will provide the link to the Rumble video. Fair enough?
God bless you, one and all.
From the peninsula,