ZWTF Newsletter Classic: Effective Criticism in the Evangel, by Paul of Tarsus
Published: Sun, 05/29/22
Effective Criticism in the Evangel by Paul of Tarsus
Greetings again, all who are termed saints around the world, set to inherit eonian life at the casting of an eye toward Christ. Martin Zender has loaned me the pen once again to conclude my testimony of the time I withstood Peter to his face in Antioch. I am here also—invited by my host for this purpose—to combat the erroneous
teaching that brothers in Christ ought to exercise woman-like (that is, delicate) sentiments to avoid offending one another, as though we were all made of sticks and straw, rather than sinews and bone. In some circles of the body of Christ today, I am told, it is considered a sin to argue, to vehemently disagree, or to contend for the faith. I do not know from whence such error arises,
but it is error indeed, and can only weaken the ecclesia and risk infecting it with error.