Dear Fellow Believers,
Words are defined by context. This is never so critical of an axiom to uphold than in the sacred Scriptures, where God has revealed Himself. Is He a God of love Who saved His creation at Calvary, or is He a vindictive deity who tortures His
enemies for eternity? Shockingly, these two views of God can be defended in "the Bible," but the Torture-God view depends on inconsistent translating. When Scripture is translated properly using linguistic law, the Torture-God disappears and the God of love shines forth for what and Who He is.
Five other believers and myself went on Christian radio in Cleveland, OH, in June of 1999 to say these
things during a series of live broadcasts on WCCD, the largest Christian radio station in Cleveland. In this episode, you will hear a caller named Harry who is so incensed by what we are teaching on the salvation of all that he calls into the program to deem us "wolves in sheep's clothing" and "false prophets." How do we defend ourselves? We don't. We defend the Word of God. Listen in and re-live the drama as we lived it.
Rodney Paris of Texas has put together these wonderful presentations, digitizing the twenty-three year old cassette tapes and putting them to video, adding helpful text frames and graphics along the way. Both Rodney and I commend this presentation to you. Please send this video to those whom you think would be interested in one of the most glorious truths of Scripture.
I am
remaining yours from the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula,