Dear Fellow Believers,
I am stunned and delighted as I re-listen to this broadcast these many years later. The sweat just about rises upon my brow again. It was June, 1999. WCCD Radio, Cleveland, OH. It's live. The station called it, "Summer nights." We called it, "Grace Cafe." When Denise Telep signed the contract, the station manager asked what we were going to talk about it. Denise cleverly yet evasively
answered, "We're going to be controversial." The station manager, having no idea what he was in for, said, "Controversy is good."
This was the first night of what we called, "Eternal Torment Week." Charlie Cronk called it, "Hell Week." We were going to set the record straight on the false teaching of eternal torment, addressing every possible objection and heralding every verse that positively stated the truth of the salvation of all. It was sweaty radio, that's for sure. Our boldness knew no bounds. We were
exposing the enemy on the enemy's radio station. It's a wonder they didn't throw us out after this particular week---heck, after this particular night. But they didn't.
Our producer Ricardo Johnson was nervous throughout the whole thing. You can hear his nervous laughter as he brings us in after each commercial break. The truth was a foreign language to him. He could not think outside the box of orthodoxy. Like most Christians, the man was locked up tight. He liked us and hated us at the same time, I think. But his job was to make us sound
Speaking of that, this show would still be locked up tight were it not for Rodney Paris of Texas, our fellow-believer who really sweated over this one to being you the best presentation possible. He restored the twenty-three year old sound and put our words to engaging video and text frames so that you, the viewer, can enjoy a multi-media experience. For Rodney, this is a labor of
This is an excellent video to send to your friends, whoever you think God might be making soft toward the truth. "These people are on CHRISTIAN RADIO," you can say, and this will give our presentation legitimacy to many. I mean, it's not like a guy broadcasting from his car. (Rodney adds a bit of a guy broadcasting from his car after the WCCD
Rodney and I commend this video to you. Rodney told me on the phone, "This one is really something."
He was right.
Yours from the Floridan peninsula,