Five believers went on Christian radio in Cleveland, OH, in the summer of 1999, to teach things that had never been taught on that radio station—ever. I was one of those people. We dedicated one of our five weeks to the topic of eternal torment. From Monday through Friday of this particular week, we exposed the false teaching that has brainwashed millions and
turned many more millions away from God.
On this particular night, the topic was the Greek word "aion," the mistranslation of which has foisted the diabolical teaching upon the masses. This word (aion, a noun) and its adjective form (aionion) appear over 170 times in the Greek Scriptures. If this word is correctly translated, the fallacy of eternal torment disappears. If
it's mistranslated, well, the consequences live among us today.
In this show, I spontaneously call upon our producer Ricardo Johnson to turn on his microphone and contribute to the conversation. Whether this went well or not, you can listen and decide.
Were it not for Rodney
Paris of Texas, you would not have this video. None of the wonderful re-issuances of these twenty-three year-old messages would exist. Rodney is the one who said, "Send me all the tapes."
So here you go. Truth is timeless. I pray that at least one person comes to the truth of the salvation of all through watching and listening to this message.
Remaining yours from the Floridan peninsula,