Dear Fellow Believers,
Rarely does one hear a teacher or evangelist talk about his or her own life (it comes
across in certain, self-aware circles, as narcissistic), but I was inspired to do just this at the tiny but significant "Truth and Grace" chapel in Baldwin, Michigan, in October of 1996. On that occasion, I had brought my whole family (wife and three kids) up to Michigan. It wouldn't be the last time, as I loved automobile adventures with my family.
The theme here is thankfulness for one's life, and
the details thereof. No matter how unlikely or chaotic our lives may seem, God pre-wrote them, deeming every detail is necessary to align us with His predetermination of us as members of His Son's body.
I'm clearly nervous as I begin speaking about my personal experiences; this simply was never done at Concordant conferences. Listening to this tape 26 years later, I regret that I rushed through it.
Why shouldn't we celebrate both the doldrums and dramas that God leads us through? Is any event too insignificant?
My sister has shipped Rodney Paris a new bunch of cassette tapes from the early period of my work (1993-2000), so gear up for more Scriptural adventures that only seem to improve with time. Thank you again, Rodney Paris, for taking this task upon you and doing it faithfully in spite of
your full time job as a schoolteacher and father of twins. The body of Christ values your work to the point of cherishing, and God will fully reward your labors in the season of reaping.
From the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula, with gratitude for you all,