Dear Fellow Believers,
At the beginning of this broadcast, aired in July of 1999 at the largest Christian
radio station in Cleveland, OH, I expose the hypocrisy of Christian hearts that SAY that want everyone to be saved, but then when told that this is precisely what will happen, bristle at the truth and shoot the messenger.
Also, at the end of this first hour of the Friday broadcast, the crew at the table in Studio B explain how to properly understand the judgment of the nations in Matthew, chapter 25.
While most of Christianity believe this to be the general judgment of all humanity, we explain that it's a judgment limited to the surviving nations at the end of the Tribulation. That's right. Not only is most of mankind still dead at the time of this judgment (not to be resurrected until the Great White Throne judgment one-thousand years later), but this is the returning Lord's assessment of NATIONS, not individuals.
I love the opening sequence of this video that Rodney Paris of Texas has put together. It's a sleeping person who, in my mind, represents a somnolent Christian religion that couldn't care less about truth while getting its teaching from "fast-food" denominational windows manned by institutionally trained pastors and teachers. Don't eat this fast-fried food! You will die of spiritual cholesterol poisoning.
Please be a fellow-laborer with me and post this video on social media. We never know what hearts God has prepared to hear it.
Yours from the Floridan peninsula,