Dear Fellow Believers,
The pro-truth, anti-tradition gang on live Christian radio in Cleveland, OH, in July
of 1999, end Eternal Torment Week with a bang by outing the Christian hypocrisy concerning the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke, chapter 16. Christians claim that this is NOT a parable, and that it actually describes what happens to an "unbeliever" after he or she dies. While insisting this, the Christians never mention that the criteria for salvation in the context is not faith in Jesus Christ, but whether or not one received good things or bad things in this life. Additionally, if
this story told by our Lord was NOT a parable, it would contradict everything taught in the Hebrew Scriptures concerning the death state.
Before this, however, we at the table close the loop on the judgement of the nations in Matthew, chapter 25. The sheep and the goats of the context are nations, not individuals. Christians want to make this the "general judgment" of "all humanity," notwithstanding
the fact that most of humanity is not even alive at the time of this judgment, which occurs BEFORE the inauguration of the thousand-year Israel kingdom.
Finally, the lake of fire is clearly explained to be what Scripture clearly states it to be: the second death. And while many, if not all, Christians want to keep most of humanity in the second death, they conveniently ignore Paul's monumental
statement in 1 Corinthians 15:26 that death will be abolished.
Speaking of resurrection, thanks again to Rodney Paris for resurrecting these 22 year-old tapes and bringing them to a modern audience.
This ends Eternal Torment week at Grace Cafe, but this is not the end of the broadcasts from this rare
enterprise—rare in that the truth, for five weeks in the summer of 1999, was broadcast on mainstream Christian radio. More coming!
Once again, I would like to thank all of you who have contributed financially to this work, a work that has been ongoing now, non-stop, for twenty-nine years. You are fellow-laborers with me in the worldwide announcement that God is conciliated to the world and that Jesus
Christ is a successful Savior. What could be better? Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I am remaining yours from the bottom of the Floridan peninsula,