There is an errant teaching going around that Christ did not pre-exist His appearance on earth via Mary's uterus. This teaching so demeans one of Christ greatest glories and humilities that it must be exposed.
One of the verses misused to "prove" the non-pre-existence of Christ is Isaiah 44:24—“I, the Lord, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth alone."
What this sorry teaching misses is the context of chapters 43-46 of Isaiah, where God is relating Himself to other false gods. At the creation, God operated alone as far as other small "g" gods were concerned. Thus, this verse is relative, i.e., it explains how God created the universe independently of other gods. Only in this sense was He alone. It is not at all to say that He created the universe apart from other
Co-Creators—such as Christ. In fact, according to Genesis 1:1, "Created by the Elohim were the heavens and the earth." God worked through multiple beings, for "Elohim" is plural. These multiple beings included His Son.
Most interpretive mistakes are due to a failure to consider context.
Nowhere is this more evident than in this monumental and unfortunate reduction of our Lord and Savior, Who is the Firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15).
Tomorrow, I will give you all the verses in the greater context that will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, convince you of the great truth concerning Christ and disabuse you of the monumental error.