Dear Fellow Believers,
I go long on this one, but it's inspired because I was just learning the most effective way to
herald the Word. Back in 1995 I discovered the secret of successful evangelism (as successful as it can get in an evil eon): exposure and rebuke. It was the art of taking down the enemy without losing control. Of meekly, metaphorically hitting someone—below the belt, anywhere–who was blaspheming God and His Christ. The goal was not to turn the antagonist into a believer (fat chance of that), but to clear the way for onlookers to finally see the truth. Thus, the antagonist is used–in a negative
way—as a vehicle to open the way for an un-fogged presentation of the message.
It seemed to me back then that no one else had noticed the inspired order of the three verbs of 2 Timothy 4:2— 1) expose, 2) rebuke, and 3) entreat. One cannot entreat until one properly exposes the false teachings standing in the way of the truth, and then rebuke the purveyors of the false teaching.
Thus, two-thirds of a proper and effective evangel presentation is negative. Thus it must always be.
The result of me practicing this formula (it is a formula) was phenomenal. People started seeing the truth in relative droves. Was I a genius? No. I was following Paul's instructions.
A major influence for me at the time was the Concordant Publishing Concern. I loved this organization and its teachers, but in my mind they were all far too gentle and nice with their many detractors. Especially A.E. Knoch. He definitely gave the enemies of the cross more respect and hospitality than they deserved. I was a bit of a rebel anyway, so following Paul's instructions for evangelism came relatively easy for me. I came to
realize that an evangel of grace did not presuppose an evangel of nice.
This is the first part of a two-part series. I recorded this one at home (I think) to a small group in my living room. I believe Part 2 was recorded at a conference in Melbourne, FL. It may have been at a church in Fairview, SC. I'll find out, with you, next week. Heck, it was twenty-six years ago.
Thanks to Rodney Paris, once again, for the vibrant video accompanying this newly-digitized audio. Rodney told me on the phone: "All the video is of women." I said, "I can certainly handle that." Then he said, "Next week, it's all men." I said, "I'll survive it."
Thanks to all of you for your continued love and support. I couldn't do this
without you. Rodney and I are sorry that we could not get a video to you last weekend, but circumstances prevented it. But we come out today with a bing and a bang. Oh, and a boom.
I am remaining yours, as always, from the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula,