Dear Fellow Believers,
The most important recipe for the successful heralding of the evangel is, first and foremost, to
know the evangel. (This disqualifies millions.) It helps to be called by God rather than to graduate from a human propaganda mill, otherwise known as a seminary. All this being considered, one must certainly learn the art of exposing and rebuking the enemies of the cross.
Exposing and rebuking are the first two parts of Paul's inspired trilogy to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2, "Expose, rebuke, and entreat
with all patience and teaching." It is easy to entreat, but difficult to expose and rebuke because exposure and rebuke could easily cause others to think that the evangelist is mean, or ungracious, or arrogant, or all of the above.
My examples for exposure and rebuke have always been Christ and Paul. (Can anyone think of better examples?) In this talk from 1997 from a small hall in Kitchener, ONT,
Canada, I go through a list of Scriptures showing Paul (and our Lord) exposing and rebuking those who withstand the truth. The purpose of exposure and rebuke is not primarily to convert the individual being rebuked (and having his falsehood exposed), but to remove a roadblock preventing others from accepting the truth.
Thanks again to the magic man Rodney Paris who digitized this twenty-six year old
cassette tape that was languishing in a storage unit in Canton, Ohio and brought it alive to a modern audience with stimulating video and helpful text frames. We all love you, Rodney!
Thanks to all of your for your constant love and support, without which I could not do this. This marks the thirtieth year of this outreach, thanks be to God. There is nothing I would rather do. And there is no one I
would rather do it with than you.
From the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula,