Dear Fellow Believers,
This is one relaxing video. It hits me just right. Personally, it takes me back to another era; a bittersweet era
when people were together who, today, are no longer so. I hear the voice of my friend Matt Rohrbach, who helped me immensely (and still helps me) with the launch of this work in October of 1993. Since this time, Matt has experienced appalling trials that would turn a person white to hear them.
At least three people who were at my home that day in 1995 are dead.
And what is the topic of the audio that Rodney Paris has turned into a visual teaching? Weakness. Inability. Ignobility. Stupidity. The vain efforts of flesh. Here is the revelation of the day: It is not that weak people choose God (as many believe), but that God chooses weak people.
This presentation is so sound Scripturally and thus spiritually that it will stand for the eons. After 28 years, I really needed to hear this again.
Rodney Paris lets this presentation breathe with the starkest, slowest video yet—so appropriate to the subject matter. The text frames are sparse in this one, just as the
members of the body of Christ are sparse—speaking of those rare few in this eon who yet extol Christ in the face of the sorest trials and humiliations.
I commend this video to all whom God has designated beforehand to watch it. It is spiritually cleansing. So deep is the truth here that, really, you can only sit and stare numbly at it; numbly, yet with a transcendent peace. Think of Mary at the feet
of Jesus.
Thank you, God, for all of this. Thank you for everyone who had a part in it, starting with my wife who made sure the house looked nice for that meeting and, twenty-eight years later, Rodney Paris for making sure that the video looks nice for your modern-day consideration.
I thank God as well for
all of you.
From the peninsula,