We are discovering this week via a chapter in A.E. Knoch's book, "The Problem of Evil and the Judgments of God" that God has a revealed will, but that He also has a hidden intention that sometimes works against His revealed will. The trouble with the Christian religion (one trouble among many) is that they think there is ONLY God's revealed will; they have no clue of a hidden intention. Therefore, when things in the world look like they are not going in accord with God's revealed will,
the Christians panic and, in the clutches of this panic, assume that they must strong-arm the world and themselves into doing what God SAYS He wants done.
If only they realized
that, behind the opposition of God's will lies God's perfect intention, which often necessitates the opposition of that revealed will. WE understand this, which is why we have a peace that the Christian world cannot fathom.