Dear Fellow Believers,
This video is not to say that God provides FOR our lack, but that He provides the lack
itself. And why would God do that? Because there is such a reward for enduring and overcoming lack that, from God's perspective, this is the biggest favor that He could possibly do anyone. If we knew the outcome of these things we would be thanking Him profusely and begging Him for more lack.
I recorded this message twenty-one years ago in Irving, Texas. Though I've lost touch with him, the pastor at
this church where I taught—his name was and probably still is Mike Spradlin—was the real deal. I wonder what he is doing now.
I consider this video to be a masterpiece. Everything: the content, the recording, the venue, Rodney's video and text frames, the clip at the end---everything. This video will stand for the eons. God inspired it. God finishes it.
Grace and peace to all of you, and thank you for your loving and generous support over the years.
Yours with thanksgiving from the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula,