It is no credit to anyone to continue seeking for truth when truth stares one in the face. And yet it is all the rage in some corners of the body of Christ these days—in the interest of “keeping an open mind,” or “showing oneself a Berean”—to avail oneself of any alternative viewpoint barking for attention. Ah, but the Bereans searched the Scriptures; they did not read voluminous personal opinion papers or watch YouTube videos. And please show me the Scripture verse where Paul tells the
saints to have an open mind.
A notable feature of those pressing for the non-preexistence of Christ is that not a single Scripture verse supports their position. You would
think that this would discourage them, but it does not. If the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) refuses their wooing, then with what weapons do they fight? Verbosity and philosophy. Only those ungrounded in the Word of God could possibly be swayed by such tactics. For that is what they are: tactics. My advice to the saints: On any topic of great consequence, let the Word of God speak. And when it does speak, use it—for it is the Sword of the Spirit—to slay whatever contradicts it. For this
is the only sure defense against error.