1 Timothy 2:4 tells us that Adam was not seduced but that the woman, being deluded, came to be in the transgression. Thus, Adam VOLUNTARILY joined Eve—the being who came out of him—in the realm of sin and death. Thus Christ, being the perfect fulfillment of Adam (He is called "the Last Adam"), voluntarily joined HIS creation in the realm of sin and death.
Yet there are those among us who insist that Christ is LESS than Adam in that He was thrown involuntarily into this world like the rest of us schmucks, being completely unaware of why He was here and what He was doing. This is nothing short of blasphemy. And there is no excuse for it, seeing as our apostle Paul,
in the plainest words possible—in Philippians 2:6-7—describes this very process of Christ voluntarily entering our dilapidated condition.