Dear Fellow Believers,
As the political situation around the world becomes more bizarre (war;
medical tyranny; artificial intelligence; digital currency; transgenderism; nuclear threat), believers ask themselves, "What am I supposed to do about all this?" That the answer to this question might just be, "Nothing!" would shock the sensibilities of activist-minded saints and yet, at the same time, set the hearts and minds of peace-minded believers at ease. But all we need do is look to the behavior of our Lord before Pontius Pilate when, following his arrest, he said, "You would have no
power over me if it were not given to you from above" (John 19:11).
I delivered this talk at the home of Dean Hough in the fall of 1996. You would be hard-pressed to find a more peaceful place on earth than the home of Dean Hough (editor of Unsearchable Riches magazine), so this calm, measured delivery synchs well with the nature of the information and the very location of its
Thanks again to Rodney Paris who did another great job resurrecting extinct audio cassette tapes to bring this message to the modern listener and viewer.
Thank you to ALL the saints around the world who help me keep this work going. I know who you are. God certainly knows who you are, and your
labors to see that this truth and other invaluable information reaches as many as possible, is not forgotten by Him.
In appreciation for all of you, I am remaining your brother in Christ,