Dear Fellow Believers,
Many Christians build churches based on the "Acts Model," not realizing that Acts is a record
of the failure of Israel to enter into the kingdom of God. ("Hey, let's build a model based on failure." "Yeah, good idea.") In a nutshell, the book begins with Israel on the rise, and ends with Israel divinely hardened and temporarily set aside. In the meantime, events in Acts start out shaky for the Gentile nations, but by the end of Acts the nations are front and center in God's eonian program.
recorded this message very early on in this ministry; I believe it was the fall of 1995. It was recorded in my living room with about a dozen people in attendance.
Thanks to Rodney Paris, who saves another quarter-century old audio cassette tape from oblivion. As I have said many time, one of the best things about heralding this truth is that it is timeless. The passage of millennia does not affect
it, and so it bears well under the passage of a mere twenty-eight years.
Thanks to all of you who have generously contributed to this work over the past month. You see the value of this ministry and you want it to continue. And continue it does—because of you. This is a grassroots operation, operated by God, Who is graciously using us to accomplish His will in these, the last days of Millennium
Absolutely amazing.
I am remaining your brother in Christ from the Floridan peninsula,