Dear Fellow Believers,
As promised, here is the last hour of the last night of Grace Cafe, recored on live radio in the summer of
1999 on the largest Christian radio station in Cleveland, Ohio. If this had not been the last night of Grace Cafe by contract, it would have possibly been the last night by being banished bodily and escorted out by the police.
In Daniel, chapter 7, the prophet beholds four beasts rising from the sea. Remarkably, these four beasts describe, to a T, the four major religions of the
We are aware that, before God brings His righteous government and worship service to the earth, He must rid the world of its religion and politics. The most deceptive, destructive religion in the world, destined to head up the Wild Beast of Revelation, is the Christian religion. How is it possible? This religion hijacks the name of God and Christ while at the same time teaching the doctrines of
humans rather than the doctrines of God.
God will eventually become all in all. But before this happens, the pride of man must be abased, especially the worst form of pride that infects humanity: self-righteousness.
Rodney Paris has once again produced masterpiece theater by digitizing the twenty-four
year-old tapes from 1999 and bringing them to a modern audience with video and text frames. Rodney is a tireless soldier.
The last word from Grace Cafe is one of grace and peace—ultimately. God's designs are always good and beneficial for the human in the long run. But again, the human must know its place as a creature before the men and women of earth can truly appreciate and revel in the God Who has
their ultimate good in mind.
Tough teaching here. But necessary, especially in these times.
Thank you for your constant love and support of me and this work. I will never forget that I am here first and foremost because of God, and secondly because of you, the fellow members of the body of
From the Floridan peninsula, with love,