Dear Fellow Believers,
Satan's biggest lie is that there's no such thing as death. Because without death
there is no such thing as resurrection, and Satan positively hates resurrection as it showcases the power of God; Satan can't resurrect anything.
My family and I drove up to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada in 2000, where I was invited to deliver a series of messages. The chief topic that weekend was death. The reality of death was the last big truth that God showed me. I have to admit that it was more
shocking than the truth of the salvation of all. As soon as I realized that death was the absence of life, the resurrection became all-important. No wonder Satan hated the truth of death.
Thanks again to Rodney Paris who never fails to deliver a singular multi-media experience as he brings these 20+year-old cassette messages to life.
Thank you to everyone who supports this work. Your generous contributions never cease to amaze and humble me as God puts it on your heart to keep this outreach going. And going it is. Rodney just informed me that this channel has just reached 5,000 subscribers. Truly, it's an act of God.
With great appreciation from the