Dear Fellow Believers,
This is the best presentation on prayer I've ever heard. That I'm the one who
presented it is irrelevant. Let God be true though every man a liar.
When people discover that it is actually God accomplishing everything from start to finish, and that the finish—and everything in-between—was determined before the start, then the tendency is to become fatalistic and to adopt the attitude, "Well, then why pray?"
This presentation will answer that question. The simply answer is that prayer is like touching the steering wheel on God's car; you're not driving, but you're participating. Every detail presented here will support and highlight this main point.
Thanks to Rodney Paris for taking a twenty-one year-old audio cassette tape, digitizing it,
and bringing it back to life with awesome video and helpful text frames. Rodney also tagged a ten-minute bit at the end about God doing what humans would consider to be stupid things on purpose. This is so the stupidity of God will eventually be seen as having been wiser than human wisdom, and also so that human might be snared in the trap of their own supposed intelligence.
We are to believe God as
children. We are not to run God's ways and means through our personal "but-I-wouldn't-have-done-it-that-way" filters.
Thanks to all of you who faithfully support this work. This could never be done without you. This is not a one-man show, it's an army.
I am remaining yours from the trench of the Floridan