We often think that it's countries that have religions. This is not so. Rather, it's religions that have countries.
2,600 years ago, the prophet Daniel saw four monstrous beasts coming out of the sea. The inspired descriptions of these beasts fit the facts concerning the four great religions existent at the end of
Eon 3.
Beast #1, Lioness: Buddhism
Beast #2, She-bear: Hinduism
Beast #3, Leopardess: Islam
Beast #4, Monstress: Christianity
The most startling aspect of these beasts is that they proceed from east to west. Where the KJV has Daniel describing "the first beast" (Daniel 7:4), the Concordant Version of the Old Testament has, "the eastern
in the last days, the fourth beast, (Christianity) stamps out the other beasts, consolidating them into the great beast of Revelation 13:1.
For now (today), Islam (the third beast; the leopardess) is once again challenging Israel. Israel, being purportedly Judaic, is not one of the beasts. But the current conflict, for all practical purposes, is Islam
fighting a proxy war against the west.