First of all, I am frustrated as can be at the failure of my audio recording software to save the audio of this presentation, forcing me
to use the back-up audio from my phone (with which I record the show's video). As everyone known, the microphones on phones, even iPhones, is sub-par, especially when recorded at a distance of five feet. (I'll stop talking about this in a moment, but please allow me to vent.)
You know how obsessed I am with quality light and sound—but especially sound. After all, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by a good microphone. This was the second failure of my software to record a message about an end-time revival of the Roman empire. And so I am absolutely finished with QuickTime, and I'm begging any viewer to please recommend for me the best recording software I can get, and
of course I'm willing to pay for it.
The reason I'm putting out this show anyway is because the content is worthy. I could do the show over, but I've already done it twice and so,
at this point, this is God telling me, "Drop your pride and publish this; I will make good use of it, you will see." So here it is.
So will there be a revival of the Roman empire?
Hell no. Is there a chance that the pope is the antichrist? Hell no. Was the Roman empire every really a world-encompassing empire? Hell no. Is the Roman empire a part of the metallic image dreamed by Nebuchadnezzar? Hell no. Is the encouragement of ecumenicalism by the pope a driving force that will actually bring the world's religions together in the end? Hell no. You could leave it at that and forego the video, but hell yes, the message is worthy and—for all my bitching—the audio is actually
Grace and peace and thanks for listening.