Just when you think you are so pathetic and such a loser that you aren't even worthy to BE in the world, you discover God's point of
view: the world is not worthy of being on the same planet as YOU. How could this possibly be? Because YOU are carrying the world's future on your despised, pathetic back. Only after the sons and daughters of God are changed and manifested before God can Christ begin the work of God becoming "all in all" (1 Corinthians 15:28), that is, "everything in everybody."
Christ Jesus is the Inaugurator of our faith; the Firstborn from among the dead. Yet we, as His offspring, are His representatives on earth at present, the ones to whom the world SHOULD BE LOOKING for enlightenment, for an understanding of how God sees them. (We are administrators of the conciliation of the world—2
Corinthians 5:18-20).
Yet because the world DOES NOT look to us—God's favored ones—the world is not worthy of the glory about to be revealed in us and for us.
Whereas Christ is OUR firstborn, we will become THEIR firstborn—the firstborn of the mortal inhabitants of earth. Thus God speaks of us, and so is it true of us.