At least two dozen Scripture verses testify that Jesus Christ preexisted His appearance in Bethlehem as a Jewish baby. These verses are so simply stated and so easy to understand that a five-year old can grasp them and know the truth. Conversely, there is not a singe Scripture verse—not one—declaring
the Jesus Christ did NOT exist before His earthly sojourn.
This being so, how in the world could a teaching possibly arise from the midst of self-confessed Scripture lovers, insisting on the non-preexistence of Christ? Why would such individuals expend such effort REFUSING the natural readings of the proof texts while simultaneously torturing other
verses into saying what God never intended them to say?
THEORY 1: To remove a necessary plank from the platform of the Trinitarians.
THEORY 2: To demolish a traditional Christian teaching simply because it's a traditional Christian teaching.
THEORY 3: By flouting consensus, one can distinguish oneself as a maverick.
No matter which of these theories are true—perhaps its a bit of all of them—there is a higher cause above these more immediate ones. This higher cause—personified as a higher power—works tirelessly to demote the glories of Christ in every way possible, using even the words and beliefs of the sincerest and most best-intentioned men.
We must protect one another from this, for it could happen to any one of us.