Here is another broadcast on the Republic Broadcasting Network from 2004. I was not expecting what I heard on this broadcast. Having not listened to this in nineteen years, I forgot about two callers
who phoned in—one to discuss how her church "wasn't so bad," and another one seemingly agreeing with my premises about the danger of organized religion, but then insisting that baptism was necessary for salvation.
I apologize for being somewhat excited about this, and I hope this doesn't come across as too self-serving, but I was thrilled to hear myself holding the feet of these poor
innocent callers to the fire and forcing what appear to be nice people to admit what their Satanic beliefs (though dressed up in sheep's clothing) led to. I was squirming FOR these people as I continued interrogating them. ❤️
I was in a bit of a mood that day. But in nineteen years, my mood has not changed one bit. All God-defiling doctrines must be exposed for what they are so that
people who really ARE interested in the truth, listening in, might confront their own beliefs and perhaps come to a realization of the truth.
Thanks again to Rodney Paris for putting the extra effort into bringing these twenty year-old radio broadcasts to life. Rodney is unstoppable.
This video ends on quite the suspenseful note, and I was on the edge of my seat, myself, to see what was going to happen to the poor baptism guy.
Thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do for me and for this work. We are in this together and are racing toward the finish line.
Your brother in the Lord,