Dear Fellow Believers,
Good morning everyone. This show is loaded. Remember Jeff calling into Frank's show
last week, trying to tell people that unless they are dunked in water they are doomed for eternity? Well, Jeff is back on the line! Listen to what Frank and I do to this disgusting, erroneous teaching. (Jeff is a nice guy, but his doctrine is out of time with God's current protocol.) Yes, baptism is in the Bible, but so is sacrificing sheep for sin. So is bringing your turtledove to the priests. So is building an ark. But are we supposed to be doing any of these things today? What has God said
about these things LATELY? In other words, what has God told the human race through the apostle Paul?
There are a couple more callers during this hour, one of them insisting that morality is improved all around when people attend church (is self-righteousness moral?), and another call from Texas where a young lady refreshes us by believing our message and putting her own words to it and
blessing everyone in the process. I told you this show was loaded!
What impressed me listening to this for the first time in 19 years is how quickly Frank Whalen gets the truth. I mean, God put this young man in the fast lane of revelation. Frank was doing a conspiracy, Art-Bell-style radio program out of an FM station in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and throwing in metal music to spice it
up. But when Frank got wind of my books through an advertisement that my sister Kelly and I ran in a magazine dedicated to radio broadcasters, he ordered them immediately and–wham!—he became a believer. After that, so zealous was he for others to have this information that he invited me onto his show repeatedly.
What really impresses me here is Frank's knowledge of the truth, which God
gave him in a very short span of time. Also, something that will prove VERY helpful to anyone you send this broadcast to is that Frank is a great talker—eloquent and to-the-point—not wasting any words in bringing to his listeners the words they need to hear for eonian life. Frank thinks the world of me, and so he's constantly promoting my books to his listeners. "These books changed my life," he says, and he knows they will change the lives of anyone who reads them.
Thanks to Rodney Paris of Texas who has taken these nearly twenty year-old broadcasts and put video and text frames to them for a true multi-media experience. If you enjoy this broadcast—and I know you will—then send this video to someone you know who is groping for the truth.
As if this weren't enough, Rodney tacks on a video I made five years ago in my car called, "Christians Want to Sell You Gravity." I'm heralding the Word like my pants are on fire.
Thanks to all of you for your love and support. God has inspired many of you over the years to contribute to this work and help keep me going. Please accept this as a huge
corporate thank-you to every one of you. You are fellow laborers together with me, and this work could not continue without you. You're backing the right horse, as these videos are finding a wider audience and we get new subscribers every single day. And I do mean, "every single day." That is not hyperbole. I get new subscribers EVERY SINGLE DAY. This would not be possible without your refreshment of the messenger, and your being fellow evangelists with me in sending these videos far and
I remain your brother and Christ and servant in the Lord,