I think the most comforting words one can here are the words used in the title of this video: "God works His will in heaven and on earth." Of course one should add to this the fact that God is love. Yes,
God is love; that is also very helpful information to keep in mind as one contemplates God's total control over His creation.
I think the most startling truth shared here is how God brought Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the world (a heathen king), to the realization that He (God) was the Supreme and that He and He alone works His will in heaven and on earth. There is absolutely no room in
this scenario for any free will other than God's. None. In fact, anyone insisting on human free will in light of passages (whether from a heathen king or from God Himself) claiming God's complete supremacy, is a complete moron.
On a personal note, I keep enjoying these Grace Cafe publications because I am always happy to hear how bold I am, even twenty-five years ago. I tend to think
that I get bolder with age, but when I listen to these recordings I realize that God gave me the boldness from the get-go and caused me to hit the ground running and shooting off the balls of the enemy even when I was still a kid which is kinda amazing to me but always a nice surprise. And I'm even fighting off Mike when he's trying to get a song in. And I'm fighting off the news and the commercials and Ricardo and pretty much freaking anything that would interrupt the marching forward of the
truth. I'm a pleasant little pain in the ass for God and it pleases me very much.
Rodney has done a great job correcting some of the "muddiness" that I heard on this cassette when we unearthed it from the storage unit in Canton, Ohio—especially on Denise's mic, but also on Mike's. I don't know if it was the fault of our producer, Ricardo, or that these particular microphones were
subpar, or what. But Rodney tweaked it and fixed it and I'm thankful for him working this magic.
I am also thankful for all of you for your support of this work. We are all working together to not only feed the saints but also to take the good news of Christ's victory over sin and death (unknown to Christianity) to where it is not named—into the ears of those destined to hear
I am remaining you brother in Christ and servant in the Lord,