Dear Fellow Believers,
Here at last is an extended look at the verse that unequivocally proves Christ Jesus to be the Savior of all humanity: 1 Corinthians 15:22: "As in Adam all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified." The common objections are noted, and then soundly overcome.
This positively-stated verse
is the best of news to those with a heart for humanity. For Christians, however, who worship their own accomplishments and hate the ultimate goodness of God, there is no length to which they won't go to make this verse say anything other than what it says. This gaggle of self-righteous Christ-hoarders will NOT share their eternity (or their Christ) with "the stupid people" who refused to believe when the Christians deemed it essential to do so. As if the riches of God's grace is exhausted in
this brief lifetime rather than (as Scripture states) in the eons to come (Ephesians 2:7).
What is the fate of your loved-ones who have not believed in this lifetime? God did not grant them to be believing in this lifetime. Are they then doomed for eternity? Were this the case, the character and saving ability of God would be eternally stained, for only God can unlock hearts that He, Himself, has hardened. According to 1 Corinthians 15:23, everyone is saved, "each in his own
In this broadcast from station WCCD in Cleveland Ohio on June 8, 1999, the fate of the unbelievers who rise at the Great White Throne is meticulously explained. The news is good! God's throne is white (not black) and it is His goal that, through corrective rather than punitive judgments, He will become everything to everybody in accord with 1 Corinthians 15:28, "God becomes all in all."
Thanks to my fellow broadcasters of twenty-five years ago: Mike
and Denise Telep, Charlie Cronk, Ted McDivitt, and Ken Pridemore. God took this small handful of broadcast amateurs and rocked the world for five weeks. God's Word went forth with power, and we have yet to appreciate the eonian reverberations of this testimony.
Thanks as always to Rodney Paris for rescuing the original audio cassettes from a storage unit in Canton, Ohio in order to bring this good news to a new generations of believers and soon-to-be-
My appreciation also (and always) goes out to those who have financially supported this work over the years, and who support it today. This work could not go forth without this gracious assistance. The way the gospel got out twenty-five years ago is the same way it gets out today: through the generosity and goodwill of the saints who, through their contributions, become fellow laborers with those God chooses to publicly announce His glories.
I am
remaining yours from the edge of the bottom of the Floridan peninsula, still announcing His glories,