Greetings, Fellow Saints.
Tony Nungesser is in the studio in this Grace Cafe broadcast from June 11, 1999, and so is Heidi Reimer of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and her mother Marilyn. These folks were in town for the Willard, Ohio conference which was starting that evening. (Ted is absent in Studio B, as he was assigned to open the conference in
Willard.) We do hear from Tony in this broadcast, but Heidi and Marilyn are quiet as mice—soon-to-be-sitting-at-the-rght-hand-of-God mice, that is.
A very large theme from this show is the reconciliation of Satan to God. Yes, Satan is included in the reconciliation of all that was created, "whether that in the heavens [or] that on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, all is created through Him and for Him"
(Colossians 1:16). Yes, this is the same all that will be reconciled to Him. I'd say that covers just about everything, wouldn't you. And yes, including Satan.
Because of this truth, I speak out about the even greater phenomenon (and really, it is) of those who actually don't WANT this truth to be true. Now there's a psychological study for you. Embarking upon it the best we can, I cite the parable of the 11th hour laborer and the Prodigal Son's brother. Neither were too happy
about the graciousness of the man in charge. Hundreds of millions of so-called believers today (nothing indicates that they are ACTUAL believers) are offended that God would be so gracious as to save anyone but them—and especially not Satan, my goodness no.
Denise reads a beautiful letter from Betsy, a listener who is actually getting it. Oh, how wonderful it is to smell the sweet scent of blossoming faith. Almost better than percolating coffee.
Speaking of percolating
coffee, enjoy this latest episode (of 25 years ago but as fresh today as when it bubbled forth from the spirit of God) of Grace Cafe.
Before I go, thanks to Rodney Paris for putting this together for you, and to my sister Kelly for getting it to you. These fellow laborers in Christ are indispensable. And of course, thanks to all of you for supporting this work in all ways that you do because without that none of this could possibly have been happening for the past 31
Your brother in Christ and servant in the Lord,