We are told over and over again by Paul to be expecting the return of Christ and the transformation of our bodies. Yet there is a teacher in the body of Christ, Clyde Pilkington, who insists that we are “wasting our time” hoping for deliverance and that, instead of expecting Christ, we ought to be expecting
the hearse instead.
It sounds like I’m joking, but I’m not. Clyde Pilkington, a teacher in the body of Christ, is encouraging us to expect only death, merrily insisting—without evidence, and in the face of anti-evidence—that “Christ will not return in our lifetimes.” In fact, according to Mr. Pilkington, Christ is not returning for us at all.
Ever. Don’t believe me? Here’s the quote:
“Christ is NOT returning in our lifetime. The hope of His coming belongs to Israel.” —Clyde Pilkington, Bible Student’s Notebook #836
You’ve been hoping for
His coming? Silly, unspiritual person—that’s for Israel. If only you were an Israelite. But sorry, you're not. In YOUR evangel, the only coming for YOU is the coroner. To your doorstep.
Here’s another quote from the teacher who is expecting only the coroner and the embalmer in this life:
“Don’t waste your time imagining that you will be delivered away from your divine training ground.” —Clyde Pilkington, Bible Student’s Notebook #488
So use your time wisely and pre-pay your funeral expenses.
I am not saying that WE are guaranteed not to die. I'm saying what Paul is saying, that there are a handful of body of Christ members, surviving to the presence of the Lord, who will not be put to repose (1 Corinthians 15:51). We could very well be them. Every member of the body of Christ from Paul onward is supposed to think this: “We could very well be them.” This is a happy expectation BUILT IN
to the evangel of the grace of God. It’s part of it.
We are not so arrogant to assume that WE are the ones who will not be put to repose. We THINK we are, but no one knows for sure. We are not so selfish as to say that if it’s NOT us then we will abandon the expectation. The expectation is that SOME members of the body of Christ, at SOME time, will not
have to experience death. We are celebrating THE TRUTH. We are celebrating the joyous miracle, the amazing secret disclosed by Paul that there will be a spectacular EXCEPTION to the grim work of the Grim Reaper.
So screw you, Grim Reaper!
Not everyone is happy about the Grim Reaper getting screwed in this life. Strange, yes? One has to wonder
if maybe such teachers have some sort of kickback scheme going with the funeral directors.