Dear Fellow Believers,
If ever you wanted proof that the Christian teaching of Eternal Conscious Torment is wrong and that the error comes down to ONE WORD, then here is your video. This teaching is made so simple that even Joel Osteen and the Pope could understand it. But of course our producer Ricardo Johnson, hearing every word of what we said as
we said it, had already closed his mind to it.
It is a phenomenon, really, discovering that there are hundreds of millions of people who actually WANT eternal torment to be true. It is as though the meaning of their lives would collapse if it weren't true. Yet I am convinced that there are a few million people who DO want this damnable doctrine exposed but they just don't see how it's possible because "the Bible is filled with evidence" of Eternal Conscious Torment—even though
we all know that it is not. Just the opposite. The Bible is filled with the promise of the salvation of all humanity and the reconciliation of the universe to God.
The simple linguistic truths of the Greek word "aion" and its adjective "aionion," looked at in Scriptural context, will convince even the recalcitrant seeker that they have been cruelly hoodwinked their entire lives. What will come first is revelation; after that a fiery resentment that they have been lied to their
whole lives.
Thanks to Rodney Paris who enjoys doing this for you even though it takes him hours each weekend. Rodney's payment is the satisfaction that he's doing God's work.
Thanks to all of you who support this work today, some of whom supported it back in the summer of 1999 when we went on the air in Cleveland, Ohio, on the largest Christian radio station to expose Christianity's hideous deceptions right in front of her face. We did it with grace, but we
did it nevertheless. It truly is a wonder we served out the remainder of our contract.
Grace, peace, and love from your brother in Christ and servant in the Lord,