“The cross of Christ” is mentioned neither in the book of Hebrews, nor in any of Peter’s letters, nor in John’s three letters. This is because the manner of Christ’s death is irrelevant to Israel’s gospel. The cross of Christ is still, to this day, a mystery to Israel. Not even our Lord’s disciples heralded
it. How could they, when they didn’t even understand it? Nothing in the old covenant types could explain what happened on Calvary.
The death of Christ is important to Israel, yes, but the MANNER of His death they still cannot comprehend.
Only one man understood—and was meant to understand—the meaning of the depth of Christ’s six hours of suffering upon the Roman stake. To only one man was the secret of the cross revealed: the apostle Paul.
The cross of Christ abolished the fleshly advantage of Israel, considering all humanity—as the progeny of
Adam—to be fit only for death. The cross of Christ therefore put the old humanity itself to death, opening the way to justification by faith to those who believe. Additionally, the cross of Christ was also God’s means of reconciling the heavens and the earth—the entire population of the universe—to Himself.
Nowhere will you find justification by faith
in any Israel book of the Bible. Nowhere will you find the reconciliation of every inhabitant of the universe to God in any Israel book of the Bible. These epic themes are not the themes of Israel because the cross is not the theme of Israel. Their theme, their message, is forgiveness of sins for Israelites and the proselytes of Israel. For this, they need only grasp Jesus as the Messiah of Israel, the Lamb of God—and certainly not as the Progenitor of a new humanity, tortured for six hours on a
Romans stake.
Oh, and they are also required to repent 24 hours a day.