Dear Fellow Believers,
This video—this broadcast of Grace Cafe from the summer of 1999—contains two highlights. One is an exuberant announcement of Denise Telep, clearly under the inspiration of the spirit of God, that a knowledge of the two evangels is essential to an understanding of Scripture and, by extension, an understanding of God's
plan of the eons. Denise's excited outburst reflects the joy of a child who has just learned how to read or ride a bicycle. You'll know it when you hear it.
The second highlight is my explanation of the difference between justification and forgiveness. I really don't think I've ever articulated it so well, before or since. When you hear it, you will realize how easy—and how essential—it is to grasp the difference.
One more sub-highlight is Ricardo
Johnson's inadvertent admission that we are just "talking and talking" while saying nothing. At one point he brings in the "Pick Up The Pieces" song, as though it is time for me to do a "Comment Corner" segment. But it's not time for it. Whether this was accidental or intentional, I'm not sure. But what IS intentional is Ricardo's following comment, on the air, that we have just been "talking and talking, and I want to make sure you're awake." It was a tacit admission that Mr. Johnson could not
wait for us to stop talking. As I have shared before, nothing we said ever made sense to this poor Baptist seminary student turned radio producer.
This broadcast is clean, alive, powerful. And 25 years later, I stand by the truths presented here. And so thanks again to Rodney Paris, who works without pay to make sure these broadcasts—originally recorded on cassette tape—get appreciated by a new generation.
Once again, thanks to all of you for your constant
encouragement and support. You are all fellow-laborers with me as we struggle daily to fulfill our calling to extol the singular works God and His Christ.
Your brother in Christ and servant in the Lord,