God Himself defines the lake of fire. He says it’s the second death. Not the first death, but the second death. How there could be some people who understand the first death but claim the second death to be some sort of deep, dark mystery? It’s like, “We understand the first snow of the season, but the second
snow of the season really throws us for a loop.”
For some reason, these folks have more of an emotional investment in the second death. They desperately don’t want it to be death. They want it to be some sort of Summer Bible Camp for their friends and relatives. Hm. That sounds WORSE than death to me.
God Himself kills people. Christians hate this truth and so they deny the reality of death. Looks like the same thing is happening with second death deniers.
As for me, I find it so much easier to just believe God. Much better than putting God on the witness
stand and questioning Him. Ouch, that would be so embarrassing and ultimately shameful. How can these folks like Bob Evely and Clyde Pilkington take God’s definitions of things like the lake of fire, run them through their own personal filters of what seems right to them, and then call God to the witness stand? I can’t watch.