Part of me feels bad about making this video. You can tell this at the end when I practically cry for the fact that God made him a vessel of dishonor. But at the beginning of the video, all I can focus on is how this man deceived so many millions of people, teaching the false gospel of a false Christ, giving
millions a false sense of security—and repelling untold millions more from ever wanting anything to do with Billy Graham's hypocritical deity.
If I had met Billy in this life, I guarantee you that I would have entreated him as a father. But this is not that. This is an overview of his God-defiling teachings as evidenced by these, his supposed last
This man unwittingly based his entire career on lies. He is the quintessential personification of one to whom Christ will say, "Depart from Me, worker of lawlessness. I never knew you." As this will be Christ's words to the man, I suppose I felt emboldened to use similar words. And yet, again, by the end of the video, I step out of
expose-and-rebuke mode to take stock of a man destined before his birth to be a vessel of dishonor. How can we not feel sorry and sympathy for such a man?