New Books NOW Available!
Published: Sat, 07/16/22
ORDER TODAY! Three new titles from Martin Zender are available! Kindle versions of each will be available soon. The Lie of Every Man's Battle How to…
Martin Zender.Com
Published: Sat, 07/16/22
ORDER TODAY! Three new titles from Martin Zender are available! Kindle versions of each will be available soon. The Lie of Every Man's Battle How to…
Published: Sat, 07/16/22
The Greatest Hits The world hates us because it first hated Christ. The same world that hated Christ, hates us: the religious world. Download/Play MP3…
Published: Fri, 07/15/22
Here is comfort from the word of God about what will happen with your unbelieving loved ones after we are snatched away. Bottom line. God loves your…
Published: Thu, 07/14/22
What we look like or how we feel on the outside—or even the nature of our thoughts—holds no weight against the spirit of God that makes it's home in…
Published: Wed, 07/13/22
The Christian God (who is in fact a false god) tries not to enjoy the things that humans enjoy: cigarettes, whiskey, and dancing—to name a few. What…
Published: Wed, 07/13/22
Do you oftentimes feel like you don't belong here? That's because you don't. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/Archives Martin's Email Archives Starke &…
Published: Mon, 07/11/22
Here is a guy who went through the religious wringer for 50 years and then one day saw the light. One of the best testimonies I've ever heard. This…
Published: Sun, 07/10/22
MZ/IBI SERIES classic archives from Martin Zender Produced/Presented by Rodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - Radio Series - WCCD Evil Solved (Part E) Dear…
Published: Sat, 07/09/22
The Greatest Hits The crucifi ion of Christ is why we can live in newness of life. Here's how that works. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/Archives…
Published: Fri, 07/08/22
Having just discussed, in Philippians, the high calling in Christ Jesus, Paul then addresses the specter of enemies of the cross of Christ walking…