MZTV 929: When Our Shit Ends, The World's Shit Begins
Published: Mon, 03/28/22
Don't worry too much about all the trials you are going through now. They are about to end. But when our trials end, that is when the world's trials…
Martin Zender.Com
Published: Mon, 03/28/22
Don't worry too much about all the trials you are going through now. They are about to end. But when our trials end, that is when the world's trials…
Published: Sun, 03/27/22
Sunday Special Good morning, fellow believers. I'm sorry that there is no Rodney Paris special today. Rodney and I couldn't get it together this…
Published: Sat, 03/26/22
The Greatest Hits The purpose of the Great White Throne and the Dais of Christ is for God to "sort things out" between those in Christ (the Dais) and…
Published: Fri, 03/25/22
The heralding of the truths to the body of Christ begins in Acts chapter 13 when the holy spirit separates Barnabas and Saul for the work God has for…
Published: Thu, 03/24/22
If we listen to one of our current teacher's theories on marriage, husbands allowing themselves to be literally crucified because their wives want…
Published: Wed, 03/23/22
Our brother and fellow-believer Clyde Pilkington is so enamored of marriage and parenting that he takes passages out of conte t to not only promote…
Published: Tue, 03/22/22
The ridiculous Acts 28:28 theory comes packaged with the idea that Paul's advice to remain single (if you can; 1 Corinthians 7) is obsolete, and that…
Published: Mon, 03/21/22
The Acts 28:28 position of Clyde Pilkington and Stephen Hill declares that we are now living in a different era than what Paul described as "[the…
Published: Sun, 03/20/22
MZ/IBI SERIES classic archives from Martin Zender Produced/Presented by Rodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - Truth Series God's Judgment of the Nations Dear…
Published: Sat, 03/19/22
The Greatest Hits There is a false gospel being broadcast today just as it was broadcast in the first century when it inspired Paul to pronounce an…