End Time Politics
Published: Thu, 09/15/22
The stage is being set for the white horse rider. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email Archives Starke & Hartmann, Inc., PO Bo 6473,…
Martin Zender.Com
Published: Thu, 09/15/22
The stage is being set for the white horse rider. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email Archives Starke & Hartmann, Inc., PO Bo 6473,…
Published: Thu, 09/15/22
Dear Fellow Believers, My son Gabe and I will be appearing live on Ace Theo's show on Thursday, September 15, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. Here is the…
Published: Wed, 09/14/22
See all those planets and stars up there? See the moon? That's NOT where we're going. Like for Thursday's live Ace Theo…
Published: Wed, 09/14/22
Dear Fellow Believers, My son Gabe and I will be appearing live on Ace Theo's show on Thursday, September 15, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. Here is the…
Published: Wed, 09/14/22
See all those planets and stars up there? See the moon? That's NOT where we're going. Like for Thursday's live Ace Theo…
Published: Tue, 09/13/22
Those who love themselves are thought to be narcissists by those who loathe themselves. It's a classic case of projection: the self-loathers are…
Published: Mon, 09/12/22
Some think that the God of the Old Testament is a different God than the God of the New. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email…
Published: Sun, 09/11/22
The Greatest Hits Christians like to use Hitler as the "shock value" poster boy of someone that Jesus Christ could not or would not possibly save.
Published: Sat, 09/10/22
The Greatest Hits When you stop to consider one of the lines in this world-famous prayer, you have to wonder how anyone could pray it, let alone…
Published: Fri, 09/09/22
Dear Subscribers and Fellow Believers, Well, YouTube has done it again and levied another strike against me, this time for what they deem to be…