
Martin Zender.Com

MZTV 1161: Celestial Cities Prepared for Us

Published: Fri, 03/03/23

We sometimes wrongly assume the celestial realms to be vastly empty. But is it a stretch to imagine that the most beautiful cities on earth are but a…

MZTV 1159: The Israel Gospel is Racist

Published: Wed, 03/01/23

When God is racist, it's not a sin. Having said that, the gospel to Israel is racist. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email Archives…

MZTV 1156: The Allegory

Published: Fri, 02/24/23

"The Allegory" is an e cerpt from my book, "How to Be Free From Sin While Smoking a Cigarette." How in the world are we supposed to "walk worthily"…

MZTV 1155: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

Published: Thu, 02/23/23

They say that if you have one or two good friends in this life, you're doing good. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email Archives…

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