MZTV 1196: The Crime of Dividing the Body of Christ
Published: Fri, 04/21/23
The body of Christ is one body—but not according to those who invent a false distinction between the letters Paul wrote BEFORE he went to jail and the…
Martin Zender.Com
Published: Fri, 04/21/23
The body of Christ is one body—but not according to those who invent a false distinction between the letters Paul wrote BEFORE he went to jail and the…
Published: Thu, 04/20/23
The Acts 28 theory insists that only three or four of Paul's later letters are for us. The rest belong to Israel. This erroneous teaching dares to…
Published: Wed, 04/19/23
The saying of Christ's accomplishment on the cross, clearly communicated, has the power to save—if only it can remain void of human fingerprints.
Published: Tue, 04/18/23
The conversation continues, on location in Hollywood, Florida. Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email Archives Starke & Hartmann,…
Published: Mon, 04/17/23
I have been honored with a visit by Greg Davis and Mark Haukaas—affectionately known at The Pirate—and today I answer their deepest and most pressing…
Published: Sun, 04/16/23
Sunday Video Classic Our Glory Transcends That of Israel The law of Moses came with a certain amount of glory, but the glory of OUR message makes the…
Published: Sat, 04/15/23
The Greatest Hits The only thing sustaining our sanity in this world is the spirit of God. In such a mad world we need mad volumes of spirit, and God…
Published: Fri, 04/14/23
A woman's hair (specifically, her TRESSES) is the world's first contact with the glory of the invisible God. If this truth seems fantastic, herein lay…
Published: Thu, 04/13/23
Many of us are concerned about our loved ones at the Great White Throne. We are upset that these unbelievers will miss Eon 4, and possibly Eon 5, at…
Published: Wed, 04/12/23
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