Published: Mon, 07/22/24
Updated: Mon, 07/22/24
How did we begin this life in Christ? We didn’t begin it at all! CHRIST began it. Then how are we to complete it? According to Paul in Galatians 3:3,…
Published: Sun, 07/21/24
Updated: Sun, 07/21/24
MZ/IBI SERIESclassic archives fromMartin ZenderProduced/Presented byRodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - WCCD Grace Café Series Freedom from Law for Those…
Published: Sat, 07/20/24
Updated: Sat, 07/20/24
The Greatest Hits MZTV 109: The Mechanics of Our Departure From EarthThe snatching away of the body of Christ from Earth is real. Download/Play MP3…
Published: Fri, 07/19/24
Updated: Fri, 07/19/24
This work is not a one-man operation. It is a team effort. I could not do what I do without your love and support. Paul enjoyed the same love and…
Published: Thu, 07/18/24
Updated: Thu, 07/18/24
The highest truths ever given to the human race from God have come to us via Paul, who received them from the glorified Christ. This is why Paul is…
Published: Wed, 07/17/24
Updated: Wed, 07/17/24
There are only two ways to deal with flesh: 1) Walk in the spirit, 2) Willpower. In this video I will bring you a verse you may have never seen…
Published: Tue, 07/16/24
Updated: Mon, 07/22/24
Some people just aren’t patient with the grace of God. They are like children and they want God to act NOW. If He doesn’t, then they try other means.
Published: Mon, 07/15/24
Updated: Mon, 07/15/24
God has to remind us on occasion that He is the God of millimeters. He is ALWAYS this, but He orchestrates events in order to prove this in dramatic…
Published: Sun, 07/14/24
MZ/IBI SERIESclassic archives fromMartin ZenderProduced/Presented byRodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - WCCD Grace Café Series Are We Supposed to Do Law?…
Published: Sat, 07/13/24
The Greatest Hits The Revelation Series #546: Huge Pleasures Ahead For God's Friends Download/Play MP3 HERE Revelation Series Archives…