Published: Sun, 01/22/23
MZ/IBI SERIES classic archives from Martin Zender Produced/Presented by Rodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - Believers SeriesToronto Talk (Part 2) Christian…
Published: Sat, 01/21/23
The Greatest Hits If we don't forgive others, we're still justified because our justification is not based on acts. But what about Israel? Ah, that's…
Published: Fri, 01/20/23
I started the week with yet another torpedo disproving eternal torment. I finish the week celebrating a sleek, finned, underwater missile from the…
Published: Thu, 01/19/23
During the forty days He wandered the holy land following His resurrection and glorification, did our Lord visit the sites of His worst agonies? I…
Published: Wed, 01/18/23
Death is still an enemy, but it's also an ingenious way to: 1) end the suffering of mortals, 2) put people on hold without elevator music, 3) allow…
Published: Tue, 01/17/23
Why was Isaiah's prophecy concerning Cyrus, king of the Medio-Persian empire, so shocking? Secondly, what is the correlation behind the archeological…
Published: Mon, 01/16/23
In 2 Corinthians 4:18, if you're reading the King James Version, Paul seems to be comparing time with timelessness. The KJV reads here, "That which is…
Published: Sun, 01/15/23
MZ/IBI SERIES classic archives from Martin Zender Produced/Presented by Rodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - Believers SeriesToronto Talk (Part #1) Above the…
Published: Sat, 01/14/23
The Greatest Hits How did our Lord endure His suffering on the cross? The same way that we are able to endure our sufferings here in the 21st century.
Published: Fri, 01/13/23
There's only one record in Scripture of someone falling asleep during a "sermon." Here's the account—and my e planation of why it happened.