MZTV 1034: We Are No Different, In Our Flesh, Than Unbelievers
Published: Mon, 08/29/22
We would like to think of ourselves as special—being believers and all. We ARE special—to God. But as far as having any sort of physical or even…
Martin Zender.Com
Published: Mon, 08/29/22
We would like to think of ourselves as special—being believers and all. We ARE special—to God. But as far as having any sort of physical or even…
Published: Sun, 08/28/22
MZ/IBI SERIES classic archives from Martin Zender Produced/Presented by Rodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - Radio Series - WCCDEternal Torment WeekSound…
Published: Sat, 08/27/22
Beyond Politics Audible Members click HERE To buy on Amazon either with an Audible trialor a 1-Click purchaseNot yet available on iTunes Eve Raised…
Published: Sat, 08/27/22
The Greatest Hits The crucifi ion of Christ is why we can live in newness of life. Here's how that works. Download/Play MP3 MZTV…
Published: Fri, 08/26/22
Few people listen when members of the body of Christ speak—especially not the religious establishment. The prophets of old suffered similarly.
Published: Thu, 08/25/22
What if some world leaders during the final months of this eon don't want to fulfill prophecy? Download/Play MP3 MZTV Playlist/ArchivesMartin's Email…
Published: Wed, 08/24/22
Rather than being the be-all and end-all of God's dealing with humanity, Israel is seen here as a necessary prelude to an unveiling of God's true…
Published: Tue, 08/23/22
In John 11:26, the King James Version has Jesus saying that anyone believing in Him will never die. Have we been all wrong, then, concerning the state…
Published: Mon, 08/22/22
Surprisingly, the Bible speaks nothing of eternity. If you want to prove from Scripture that you will eventually live forever, you can't use any of…
Published: Sun, 08/21/22
MZ/IBI SERIES classic archives from Martin Zender Produced/Presented by Rodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - Radio Series - WCCDEternal Torment WeekSound…