Published: Sun, 11/12/23
MZ/IBI SERIESclassic archives fromMartin ZenderProduced/Presented byRodney Paris Republic Broadcasting Network Series Observe the Works of God (Day 1…
Published: Sat, 11/11/23
The Greatest Hits MZTV 802: Hell and Eternal Torment the Most Damaging Lies in Human HistoryHere are the two completely opposite reactions that people…
Published: Fri, 11/10/23
Understanding that God is at peace with the entire world through the death of Christ helps us love normally unloveable people. It's not perfect…
Published: Thu, 11/09/23
God calls what is not as though it were. He's so fond of doing this that He states His penchant directly in Romans 4:17, "...calling what is not as…
Published: Wed, 11/08/23
I decided to go for it on this one. I was frustrating myself with the phrases "new creation" and "new humanity" because we see nothing but the old…
Published: Tue, 11/07/23
There is a mostly unnoticed turn-of-phrase in the Concordant Version of Romans 5:18, and it is "life's justifying." Here is the entire verse:…
Published: Mon, 11/06/23
The most epic event in human history (it's NOT the death and resurrection of Christ, but it's certainly related to it) has gone relatively unnoticed.
Published: Sun, 11/05/23
MZ/IBI SERIESclassic archives fromMartin ZenderProduced/Presented byRodney Paris Republic Broadcasting Network Series Worship of Human Works (Day 1…
Published: Sat, 11/04/23
The Greatest Hits MZTV 934: Nebuchadnezzar VS. Joe ChristianHow does a heathen king come to a greater knowledge of God than your average Christian?…
Published: Fri, 11/03/23
God has made sure that we cannot do all the great things we want to do. Since you can't beat it, you may as well find a way to laugh at it.