Published: Fri, 10/18/24
Updated: Fri, 10/18/24
Much of the doubt concerning the sovereignty of God concerns puzzlement over how God could could judge those whom He created as vessels of dishonor.
Published: Thu, 10/17/24
Updated: Thu, 10/17/24
Do you think that pulling more loaves and fish from the baskets would have eventually e hausted the food supply? Does the sun care whether there are…
Published: Wed, 10/16/24
Here's a bonus show; three topics in one: 1) The phenomenon of our day being infinitely more evil than Paul's, leading to 2) a discussion of the one…
Published: Tue, 10/15/24
Updated: Tue, 10/15/24
Any teacher in the body of Christ who loves the current eon, that is, who is wired to not only hope for an e tension of what Paul calls “the current…
Published: Mon, 10/14/24
In this edition of MZTV, I focus on an underappreciated verse that proves our destiny is in heaven, not on earth. Not only that, but our place among…
Published: Sun, 10/13/24
MZ/IBI SERIESclassic archives fromMartin ZenderProduced/Presented byRodney Paris MZ/IB Archive - WCCD Grace Café Series This is the Sovereignty of God…
Published: Sat, 10/12/24
The Greatest Hits MZTV 1424: Employing Reverse Psychology Against Passions and Lusts In Galatians 5:24, Paul says to "crucify your passions and…
Published: Fri, 10/11/24
Updated: Fri, 10/11/24
Many believers have apologized to me over the years for not wanting to study or read their Bibles. They feel guilty for getting their "God fi " from…
Published: Thu, 10/10/24
Updated: Thu, 10/10/24
Endurance carries great reward at the dais of Christ. But you can’t endure unless there are things to endure. Thus, God provides for temporary pains…
Published: Wed, 10/09/24
Updated: Wed, 10/09/24
How many times have I heard it said of unbelievers: “Oh, they’re just ignorant,” or, “They’re just confused.” As though confusion and ignorance ought…